Saturday, 29 April 2017

Into The Greenhouse

Springtime Garden

Cherry Blossom

Springtime Garden.

Grape Vine

Springtime Garden.
The grape vine is
being trained up a
new white frame.

Springtime Garden


Monday, 17 April 2017

Into The Archive * Lavender

I purchased this houseplant
Lavender from Sandringham
in 2013.
I could never grow it indoors.
It seem to like this cool part
of the garden.

Into The Archive * Marigolds

Oxeburgh Hall Norfolk
2013. I purchased a packet
of Marigold seeds.
2017 They are still growing

Into The Archive * Magnolia

Our Magnolia

Into The Archive * Cherry Tree

Spring 2016.
Cherry blossom 2017.

Into The Archive * Scotts PIne

2014 The seeds go into
the fridge for a few weeks.
Only a few trees started to
grow. 2017 Spring and these
two are looking good.

Sunday, 9 April 2017

Spring Time Garden

An old favorite.

Spring Time Garden

The old wooden table
has gone. The start of
a little herb garden with
some box trees, chives,
lemon balm and viloets.

Spring Time Garden

Late afternoon

Springtime Garden

Home grown is best.

Spring Time Garden

Moving the grape vine
from the greenhouse
into his new position.

Spring Time Garden

My first cherry blossom.