Sunday, 28 February 2016

Reine des Violettes

Bare-root Rose.
Surprise to see this
rose in a box of cheap
roses from a discount
store, lets see what
A Hybrid perpetuual,
Mille-Malet 1860.

Cherry Tree

Newly arrived. A small
bare-root cherry tree.

My Beautiful Lemon Tree

Tucked away in the corner
of the greenhouse.
Covered in baby Lemons.

Sunday Morning In The Greeenhouse

Lemon, Olive, Blueberry &

Breaking Buds

On my newly planted Willow.
He likes his new home.

Sunday, 14 February 2016

Two Years Ago

These Scots Pines were
started, they are now
in the green house for
winter shelter.


Its still to cold outside
for my seeds but I couldnt
help start these seeds. A nice
warm spot near the window
should help them along.

Willow Tree

Is growing well.