Tuesday, 31 July 2012

Last Day Of July

And the sweet peas are still
looking good.

Poetry On A Rainy Afternoon.

Drizzle drizzle but the garden is
still beautiful.


Perhaps I can do some
gardening later.

Monday, 30 July 2012


I love putting this along a
path or near a seat.
You only have to brush past
it and it releases a great aroma.

My First Aster's

Grown from seed these are the
first Chinese aster's I have ever
grown, they look very pretty.

what a big one.

Alberts apple is getting bigger
and bigger.

Sunday, 29 July 2012

Saturday, 28 July 2012

Friday, 27 July 2012

What's That Beautiful Aroma ?

I see they have discovered the
lavender it smells wonderful as
you brush past it.
The William Shakespeare rose in
full view

Romance Still Blooming

Romance of the feathered kind
in our beautiful garden.


The Queen mother full standard
rose blooms non stop. She always
looks beautiful.


This clematis is lovely.

Thursday, 26 July 2012

Memories From The Alchemist Rest.

What a lovely afternoon.
A place to remember and

Love In The Garden.

See what a bit of sun does.

Wednesday, 25 July 2012

Wednesday Afternoon.

The sun is out and the alchemists
rest is open. Lots of lovely ice cold
beer and an afternoon nap.

New Blooms

Fimbriata Hybrid Rugrosa.
Beatrix Potter rose

Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Into The Greenhouse.

Taking the lower leaves
away so the tomatoes
can ripen.

Afertoon Tea With The Sunflowers.

In the alchemists garden I
spot the perfect place to have
an afternoon pot of tea.
With the Sunflowers.

The William Shakespeare Rose.

Where-through the sun
delights to peep, to gaze
therein on thee;
Had this rose a year now
and it never fails to produce
beautiful blooms.

A Sunny Afternoon

What a treat. Some marigolds from my wild flower mix.
Rossetti The lemon rose. The lovely drawf sunflowers
I grew from seed.

A Golden Summers Day

Hidden in the ferns with some
shade this beautiful golden rose.
It's lunch time and its hot hot hot.

Monday, 23 July 2012

Oh Dear Sponge!

He's done it again. Our pigeon has
a terrible habit of sitting for a long
time in the bird bath soaking up all
the water.

Hottest Day For Weeks

But our lovely garden still needs
attention. Roll on Wednesday
for cold beer in the garden and
a chill out day.

Blue Sky

And our butterfly shrub.

Sunday, 22 July 2012

A summer's evening swim.

At the back of the shed we
have some buckets which
have filled with lots of rain
water, it seems that the little
frog has set up home there.

Sunday Lunch.

Our little friend has
brought her partner.

Pink Poppy.

Just like butterfly wings.
Now time for some gardening.

Floating New Dawn Roses

These New Dawn roses look
like they are floating on a sea